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To remain healthy a man must have some goal, some purpose in life that he can respect and be proud to work for.


Mission of the Society

To promote Hungarian psychosomatic traditions and spiritual inheritance of János Selye, Franz Alexander, Sándor Ferenczi, Mihály Bálint and Endre Grastyán; to hold together experts in area of Behavioural Sciences and Behavioural Medicine; to provide professional forums and graduating possibilities; to conduct activities that stimulate research; to coordinate communication and interaction among Hungarian behaviour scientists. Focusing on: health promotion, prevention of diseases induced by distress, better understanding of negative effects of stress on health.
To achieve these goals, the Society organises educational, graduating and scientific meetings including international meetings, seminars, trainings and postgraduate courses for professionals and civil organisations; performs and promotes scientific research; publishes books, reviews and notes; produces audio-visual materials; and works out concepts on request of external organisations.

  Address: Nagyvárad tér 4, Budapest, 1089 Hungary


 Tel: (36-1) 210 2953 Fax: (36-1) 210 2955


E-mail: info[at]


Bank: OTP Bank BIC(SWIFT)KÓD: OTPVHUHB  11708001-20520696


Tax number: 18167364-1-42